User Information and Statistical Data

It is important to read the Privacy Policy regarding the use of the website and mobile application operated by bigpl (“Sole Proprietorship”).

Sharing of Personal Data and Commercial Purposes

The Private Company does not share the information provided by users with third parties and does not use it for commercial purposes. However, statistical data is analyzed and stored.

Using Google Analytics and Facebook

Google Analytics and Facebook’s remarketing features are used on the Website. Users can set preferences for ad settings and customize ads.

Users’ Ad Settings

Ads served by Google Analytics and Facebook can be customized according to users’ ad settings.

Use and Sharing of Demographic Information

Demographic information is used by the Sole Proprietorship to personalize the Website and advertisements. This information may be shared with target audience studies and advertising publishers. However, it is anonymous information that does not contain personal data.

Personal Data Security

Users’ personal data may be disclosed upon request by official authorities or when required by legal regulations. The credit card information requested on the payment page is not kept on the Sole Proprietorship servers.

Disclosure of Personal Data upon Request

Users’ personal data may be disclosed upon request by official authorities or when required by legal regulations. However, within the framework of the privacy and personal data protection policy, the Sole Proprietorship protects users’ data with the highest possible security measures.

Payment Information Security

The credit card information that users provide on the payment page is not kept on the Sole Proprietorship servers. In this way, payment transactions ensure the security of users and the banks providing services at the highest level. Payments are made between the users’ devices and the relevant bank.

E-mail Communication and Membership Transactions

Users can subscribe to e-bulletins and electronic messages via However, with each email communication, users can unsubscribe if they wish. Additionally, users can update their membership information in the “My Account” section.

Unsubscribing from Email Sending List

Users who receive e-mail communications can always unsubscribe from the e-mail sending list by clicking on the link in the sent e-mails or by leaving the “I want to be informed about campaigns and opportunities” option blank in the “Membership Information Update” section.

Changes and Communication

The Sole Proprietorship reserves the right to make any changes it deems necessary in all its policies. These changes are announced via the website or through appropriate communication methods.

Processing and Disclosure of Personal Data

Personal data provided by users are processed by the Private Company for the purposes specified and within the framework of the conditions stipulated by the Law. This data may be transferred to the Sole Proprietorship’s domestic and international business partners and service providers.

Personal Data Processing Purposes

Personal data is processed for purposes related to users’ use of the Website and Mobile Application. These purposes include advertising optimization, improvement of user experience, development of services, statistical analysis, campaign and marketing efforts, customer relationship management, order fulfillment and communication.

Personal Data Processing Purposes

Personal data is processed for purposes related to users’ use of the Website and Mobile Application. These purposes include advertising optimization, improving user experience, improving the services of the Sole Proprietorship, obtaining statistical information, providing customer services, carrying out campaigns and marketing activities, fulfilling orders and providing communication.

Transfer of Personal Data

Personal data can be shared with the Sole Proprietorship’s business partners, service providers, group companies, public institutions and other relevant organizations in accordance with legal regulations. These transfers take place within the boundaries where necessary precautions are taken to protect the security and confidentiality of personal data.

Your Rights and Application Process

Under the law, you have rights regarding your personal data. Within the framework of these rights, you can request the updating, deletion, correction or processing of your personal data by contacting the Private Company. You can make your applications through the communication channels determined by the Private Company.